
#arthacksf: Partyline

Project Description

Partyline is an experiment with ambient noises and involuntary participation.

Partyline materializes the most private of our communication methods – our phone lines –
into a sound collage. It consists of two parts – a Voyeur, which dials participants
and records their input, as well as a Sequencer, which is an interactive view into
voices, both of human and machines, going on at the time.

HTML5 Audio, WebGL + Three.js, Twilio



Team Information

Casey Rodarmor
Brandon Liu
Elle Sakamoto
Angelo Hizon

About #arthacksf

Art Hack Weekend SF is a collaboration between Gray Area and The Creators Project. The weekend is an opportunity for San Francisco’s leading web designers, developers, artists and hackers to exchange concepts, projects, and to create the next phase of cutting edge web apps.