
Soft Circuitry w/ LilyPad

Soft Circuitry will cover the basics of electricity, circuitry building and the techniques and materials used to make soft circuits. Workshop participants will be given a historical overview of wearables in the context of fashion, art, and technology. Students will be given project-based instruction on basic circuitry and will construct soft circuits using conductive thread and fabric. No prior experience with electronics or sewing required. Limited space available. Students will walk away with circuits made in the workshop, as well as a list of sources for materials and further online resources to further their education outside of the workshop.

Day One:

History of wearables and an overlook of contemporary projects
Introduction to electrical components and schematics
Intro to wearable conductive materials

Hands-on portion:

How to prototype a sound generating circuit on a breadboard
How to use a multimeter
Making of wearable switches and variable resistors
Integration of switches and resistors with breadboarded circuit


Download and install arduino software from arduino.cc
Reading of interface design and aesthetic theory

Day Two:

Introduction to the lilyPad Arduino
Introduction to available sensors and handmade options
Power management
Translating from the breadboard to a soft circuit
Overview of electrical concepts
Overview of resources for materials and further education outside of the workshop

Hands-on portion:

Fabrication of musical textile